
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Will someone please tell me when it became appropriate...

To stop wearing pants? or a skirt? or something covering your bottom half? Last night I went out and noticed a terrifying trend. It seems as if some of the girls could not be bothered with the age old question-"Should I wear a skirt or pants with this top?". They just went out of the house with neither. Don't get me wrong. I, too, have been at the mall and picked up a top and wondered to myself if this article of clothing was a dress or a shirt. When in doubt, though, I most certainly will wear pants just to be on the safe side. In fact, there were even several girls who obviously were a little afraid to try the trend full out, so they wore short, shorts under their tops. This would have been acceptable enough, but oh no! They then proceeded to TUCK the shorts underneath the SHIRT! Who in their right mind does something like this? Girls out there repeat after me,"If I(insert your name) see Britney Spears wearing something on a fashion don't list under no circumstances will I put on something similar and venture out of my house on Saturday night"! For the love of God do not let the woman pictured above be your fashion icon!


Christine said...
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Kimma said...
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Anonymous said...

Too funny - I see girls doing this and have no idea what they are thinking. And I live in an area that is not warm, and these ladies are bare-legged...

Ok, wow, I am really starting to sound like my mother :)

Julia Catherine said...
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Sarah Ridgley said...
