Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Signs That A Relationship is Over

Sometimes when a relationship is OVER we just want to turn a blind eye to it. If only we could wake up and see reality it would save a lot of time and energy. Here are some signs that I have noticed that show that a relationship is done:
1. Your significant other looks absolutely miserable in all of your pictures together. In case you don't remember, in Cinderella, prince charming always had a smile when he saw his princess. If your other half has a scowl every time you look at them that is probably not a good sign at all. If they look as if they are trying to make a break for it in every couples picture you take, if they look like they would rather rip their arm off than have you grab it, if they look like they are taking a mug shot rather than a picture with you, just cut your losses now.
2. Your significant other wants to move in, but doesn't want to pay the bills. Do you just want to be a pit stop for someone needing room and board or do you want a relationship? If you are providing room and board, water, electricity and food and not expecting any help you are being taking advantage of. You are not the Hyatt, let him/her find their own place to live.
3. You do not get along with their parents. Now, this doesn't always have to mean the end, there is such a thing as a restraining order! Better yet, you can always follow my golden rule-Marry an orphan!
4. If you tell everyone you are in a relationship, but you haven't seen your significant other for months, they won't return your calls and have already told you a trillion times they want to be single then you need help. If you find yourself talking in third person about your relationship with him/her you need Prozac!
5. If you are making plans to have children, get married, go on a fabulous vacation, etc., with someone who does not want to be with you, then you need to wake up and smell the coffee, my friend!
If someone doesn't want to be in a relationship with you, just consider yourself lucky that they are letting you know now. Life is too short to waste time on people who do not deserve you. Consider a break up your opportunity to find someone who is worthy of you!
Monday, December 22, 2008
So Fitting...
My New Favorite Holiday

Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Holiday Spirit
My house looked like a gingerbread house by the time the night was over!

Barkley on the other hand, was probably wishing I would have left him in the warm house!

Friday, December 5, 2008
Mc Donald's Is Determined to Make Us Obese!

Why can I not just get one apple pie for fifty cents? You are made to feel stupid if you just get one for a dollar, because as I have been informed MANY times it is cheaper to buy two.
I guess getting two of them and throwing one away would be just as easy, but that always makes me feel bad. Anytime I throw stuff away it reminds me of all of those homeless children in commercials who have no food. Then I start feeling guilty, because those poor kids would kill for a little apple pie. At that point after thinking about sick and hungry children I can't even enjoy the one pie that I did go there to eat!
McDonald's' please change your policy! I don't need the pressure of this whole pie thing! Oh and while your at it, please add veggie burgers to your menu! :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
The American Music Awards...My Unsolicited Review

Why???? And I don't mean T-Pain's outfit. Why does someone with no talent and a record that sold like 10 copies keep showing up EVERYWHERE! I could see if she had a show on ABC that they were trying to promote, but thank God that it not the case! Please, the powers that be find someone with talent to put on television!
Could they have possibly found someone a little closer to David Archuleta's height? I don't know if he is old enough to have hit his growth spurt yet, but they barely fit in the same frame!
Why did they pair cute, wholesome looking Colbie Caillat with Richie Sambora? Hey, I will admit I was a huge Bon Jovi fan circa 1988, but Richie is rough! Not rough around the edges, but rough through and through! Put Colbie next to someone nice and sweet, like maybe that cutie from Lifehouse! She has so far not turned into to a crazy starlet, aka Lindsey, Paris, etc., etc. We need to keep her that way!
Let me first add a positive before a negative, just to keep my karma in check! I LOVE Motley Crue. I have always, well at least since I was 12, and will continue to do so. Nikki Sixx is my absolute favorite rock dude and Tommy Lee is one of the coolest guys ever. Vince Neil, eh, whatever and Mick gets my Keith Richards award for having the ability to take a licking and keep on ticking.
However, my guys of the Crue, let me ask just two questions to the two of you that I really care the most about. Tommy, dear, did you go out swimming and get bit by a shark? Perhaps, you did and didn't have time to run home and change and just decided that if you wore said shark to the AMA's Kid Rock would see how bad you were and leave you alone for good!
Nikki, the beautiful one, I am down with your rocker look. I was with you when you wore makeup, more makeup than I even own,(which is a LOT). Why, though, Nikki do you look like you are trying to steal Keith Richards part on Pirates of the Caribbean? I love you Nikki, but my love for Keith is very well documented so don't think that just because you are cute you can steal that movie away from Keith and I am not going to have something to say about it.
Why do these two girls have record deals? While Taylor Swift seems like a perfectly wholesome girl, (sorry Miley, no nice words for you, you annoy me), she can not sing. The lack of singing also goes for Billy Ray's spawn. Thank God for Alicia Keys, Leona Lewis and Mariah or my ears would have been bleeding.
Did Mariah get a new stylist? Or did her new hubby tire of her showing her everything to everyone? Well, whatever it is that has brought about this change I salute you Mariah. You looked really nice. You also proved me wrong, because I really thought that at any moment you were going to rip off the pretty dress to reveal something too short and too tight.
Now I have this question-was Mariah's old stylist, the one she obviously fired as she looked great last night, hired to hooch up Beyonce? Beyonce, there is never a good reason to run out of your room without your pants on. That is why people have a common nightmare about that very situation. The only thing that I could possibly fathom is that maybe you just got a contract with Hanes. Even if that is true I think there are more appropriate places that you could model their underwear for them. You are from Houston. I know for a fact that there are MANY, MANY stores that sell jeans, dress slacks and skirts there. There is a whole plethora of outfit choices out there. You have NO excuse for going out in your knickers, absolutely none, nada, zip!
Why does anyone think that any of us care about these people? Sorry Nick, you seem like a great guy, but you always pick THE worst girls, so I am over seeing you as well!
Are they going to be able to get back upright without help? As hard as they try to make us believe, they are not new or kids.
Did her son get a hold of scissors and do something really drastic to her hair?
I really think Ne-Yo has a very good voice. Once he was on Cribs and he had a very nice house. I thought it was very tastefully decorated beyond his years, (hey, I'm into design so I had to throw that in). I also once read that he bought his mom a house, which I think is a great thing. However, did I need to be subjected to Ne-Yo doing Chris Brown, doing Usher, doing Michael Jackson. Please, you guys, try to be more original. You are in a CREATIVE field, use that creativity in your performances.
When I saw Scott Weiland from a distance, I thought, "Oh, he is looking much better. Maybe he has finally cleaned up his act". Then he started talking. Enough said.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Mission Accomplished
I had to take a speech class and I put that sucker off until it was one of the last classes I need to graduate. I have always been terrified of public speaking. I LOVE to talk, which is unfortunate for my family and coworkers, but when it comes to everyone staring at you listening to every single word and not saying anything back, it makes my heart race. I can feel my face turning tomato red and then I get even more embarrassed. It is just not a pretty sight! I once even forgot in a presentation the word dresser. I am an interior design major! Sad,(I say as I am shaking my head at my own stupidity)!
I am happy to report though that I have come out triumphant! I am done with my speeches and made an A on all of them. Mission Accomplished! Now I have to face my next fear and ride a roller coaster! :) One step at a time!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
My First Blog Award

There are a few rules to the award that are listed here:
*Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass the award on to 5 most deserving Bloggy friends.
*Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author and the name of the blog from whom he/she has received the award.
*Each Superior Scribbler must display the award on his/her blog, and link to this post, http://scholastic-scribe.blogspot.com/2008/10/200-this-blings-for-you.html, which explains the award.
*Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
*Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
So, drum roll please, the following 5 blogs will be receiving the Superior Scribbler Award:
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Things that make me feel better on a bad day
So in honor of my crappy day I have compiled a list of things that make me happy:

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Reasons Why I Find Football Ridiculous
- Why does it take 20 grown men to tackle a football!?! If the two or three guys that get to it first and land on it are not enough to keep it down then that mighty football deserves to be set free.
- Why do they build a huge goal post thing and then when the person kicks the ball through it it is only worth 3 points? For them to build such a monumental contraption, aka eyesore, it should be worth at least a good 10 points.
- How can a clock that says it has 3 seconds left, take 30 agonizing minutes to count down those 3 seconds?
- It takes 5 minutes for all of the guys to line up in their spots, then within 10 seconds they throw the ball, run 2 feet, go through my #1 pet peeve and then the clock stops and they do it all over again.
- Why does the quarterback make so much money? He rarely gets tackled, doesn't have to run far or kick the ball. All he does is have to generally be the cutest guy on the team and throw the ball while everyone else protects him.
Guess who made the most out of the time change...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
A Fun Time Had by All
Barkley trying to figure out this whole Halloween thing:

Me trying my hardest to look like Johnny Depp, except for the skirt part! Oh and the plastic pumpkin, blonde hair...ok maybe on second thought, my Johnny Depp look failed! :)
And Gabe, whose costume probably wouldn't have went over very well if he would have went into the bank in this get up! Although, he would have been famous...on the 10 o'clock news!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Thursday, October 23, 2008
So Sexist!

I just find it odd that I have never seen the breakdown of how John McCain or Barack Obama spend their clothing budgets. Why is it that since she is a woman we know exactly how much every item of clothing she wears costs? We don't know if Obama and McCain are wearing Men's Wearhouse suits or Armani. And guess what!? We will never know, because they are men!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Mum's the word, but what is it saying?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Ahh.. that explains it!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Columbus Day???
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Design Find

They also get two big thumbs up from me, because as I was browsing their website I noticed that they also designed the walls for the home of none other than Lenny Kravitz:

Hurricane Ike Update

Monday, September 8, 2008
Hurricane season sucks!
I am a sucker for a good comeback story!

Saturday, September 6, 2008
This must be the week for concerts!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Things that I learned at Rock the Bayou

1. You can still try to pass off a band as the original even if just one person is the same.
2. People who plan concert events outside in Houston in the summer are insane and those of us who attend are just as crazy.
3. There are people out there that can create a whole living room full of blankets, rugs and blow up couches outside at a rock festival. With just a little help from an air pump an entire room setting was created! Very impressive! I am going to try this next year, except for I will even include end tables and lamps,(I am a design major after all)!
4. Grown men who are aging rockers and have nothing else to do to shock people, sometimes wear dresses! Yes I am talking to you Taime Downe from Faster Pussycat! It is not cute to wear your grandma's moo moo dress to perform. It is also not cute when you wear black and red lipstick and do not apply it correctly. No self respecting drag queen would be caught dead with bad makeup. May I suggest a MAC consultation!
5. Sammy Hagar is a cool dude! Well I already knew that, because I have been a Van Halen fan for years, but he put on a great show! Ratt also did a great job and unless Stephen Pearcy cheated and had botox he really has not aged much at all.
6. There are girls out there who think that a bra can be substituted for an entire shirt. I can not figure out the thought process to get someone to go out of the house without the rest of their ensemble, but this is in fact what I witnessed. I have been in a hurry many times. I have also been extremely annoyed trying to figure out between two shirts which one to wear, but never, no never, have a decided to just give up and leave the house with neither.
7. If you give a guy a guitar, take away his hair and pack on some pounds, he can still get girls!
8. If you give a guy a tv show, pack on the makeup and give him a guitar he can get lots of hoochies, not pointing any fingers Bret Michaels.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Weekly Words to Live By

Marilyn Monroe Quotes GlamCrazy.com
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
5 Reasons Why Keith Richards Makes Me Happy

Or more loosely as realizing someone that thinks that they are God's gift to the world and once greatly insulted your intelligence can not even spell his own city on his company's website! Sometimes saying nothing in your defense and waiting for things to come back around is the best thing you can do! Now back to happy thoughts! :)
Monday, August 11, 2008
I have heard of crazy people
http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/local&id=6318226 ?
I am not posting a picture, because just looking at those things make my skin crawl! But what would possess someone to steal something that is venomous? You would think the word venom would scare people off and if not the words, " There is no anti venom for this particular snake", would certainly do the trick! I have heard it all now I do believe.
Weekly Words to Live By
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My past few weeks,(in pictures).
I had time off so I got to spend it with my mom, dad and their puppy Charcoal.
My family, who we had not seen in two years, was able to visit us from Tennessee! We had a great time! We were able to fit in alot of the things that they wanted to do like an Astros game, Galveston, downtown Houston and San Antonio.

We went to the Alamo, the River Walk, to eat at my favorite place, Rio Rio, and on the little boat ride around the river. Gabriel decided to play with a cactus on the grounds of the Alamo. Let's hope he learned his lesson with that one! It was so very hot there, but it was still a great day.
We hung out in Galveston and took a trip on the ferry over to Port Boliver. We went to the beach where my family caught hermit crabs and I ran from them because they are really ugly, little critters. There were really pretty views of the lighthouse from the boat.
Then the weather took a turn for the worst. There was a threat of a tropical storm/small hurricane. Luckily it was not as bad as at first expected and there was hardly any damage. Barkley was ready, though, for any rain that came his way!