
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Things In Life That I Will Never Understand

1. Why would anyone be a polygamist? It doesn't seem to work in anyone's favor. What man in their right mind would want to put up with multiple PMS issues in one month? What woman would be satisfied wearing the same freaking outfit and hairdo as 100 other women in the compound?

2. Why do some parents still leave their small children in department stores unattended? Do they not watch America's Most Wanted? If I had a dime for everytime I was in Wal Mart and heard over the loud speaker that they were looking for a child's parents I would be very well off at this point! Stick little Bobby Joe's butt in that basket and get your shopping on!

3. When do fish sleep? Or do they at all? They never seem to stop moving and I have tried to catch mine off guard. Never do they seem to take a break.

4. Why do some people dye their hair for years and then one day decide to let their natural hair grow out? They proceed to, every few months, cut off some of the dyed hair to the point that it is one color at the root, one color at the ends for like 5 years! Wouldn't it be easier to just dye it back the natural color and not have to be a Glamour don't for all of those years? I am all for nice, natural, healthy hair, but just get it over with already!

5. Why do girls like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan have careers? I do not know of anyone who thinks that they can act, sing or whatever it is they are getting paid for, but yet they are still everywhere! If I had a young girl who looked up to either of these girls I would seriously ground them until the day they got better taste in role models! I would put them in a room where they could only watch Diane Sawyer and Robin Roberts to show them how young girls should grow up to act. Classy!


hy said...

i can shed some light on #4 for you.. :)
i did that once years ago BECAUSE my hair was so fried from too much processing... if i dyed it even one more time, i would have been bald....
so i opted for the 2 tones of hair color till i grew out!

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

You do have some points there!..but agreed with mary jane!

Anonymous said...

I do not know why 'trashy' is popular.

Lisa Abdul-Quddus said...

lol nice post.

woolies said...


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the fish thing - they never seem to rest! I often wonder about insects too...

AlasMyDear said...

neat list! i especially agree with #2 and #6. my fish sleep though...they lie still at the bottom of the tank and only bob a little with the current.

Tatyana said...

amusing :P

Fish sleep mostly when its dark. That's why if you turn on the lights in a dark room, the fish tend to have very washed out colours and look dazed - cause they were relaxing until you busted in with the lights.

Kilkennycat said...

Very spot on! I don't understand any of it either. #2 severely bothers me as I have two young children who I never let go while we're out. *shakes fists*

BeadedTail said...

You have some great points there. Fun post!

Ladybuggz said...

on #1 ---- finally someone else who noticed the rigidly similar hairstyle --- sure sign of brainwashing! LOL

btw, we use the same template :o)

T.Allen said...

You and I both! I have rolled my eyes at parents with young children trailing behind them like ducklings so hard, that I've given myself a headache...that, and pushing the stroller out off the curb before you step out and make sure it is safe (I'm from NYC) I want to put a warrant out for their uteri (is that correct pluralization of uterus?) now i'm going to obsess over that...*off to check*

Beat Black said...

iv been trying to understand number 5 for quite some time now.

Cathe Holden said...

You nailed #2 for sure. My pet peeve. Great list!!

Sara said...

I wonder about some of the same things...

Beadin By The Sea said...

What a great list! I don't have the answers either but I think fish do sleep don't they, but with their eyes closed! That sure sounds tiring!

Wonderfully Sew Knit said...

LOL Great questions. I wish I could answer them for you...but I've asked them myself and haven't gotten the answers.

BlueCitrusArt said...

ha, love it!

Cherry Lane Jane said...

I wonder all those things too!

My fish never sleeps either. If I turn the lights on at 3am they are still swimming around looking at me!

I have a ten year old and it's hard to try and explain to her why paris and lindsay are not good role models, but I hope she is getting it:)