- There is a very distinct sound of cowbell.
- There is a fake phone call in the middle of the song. I mean seriously, if a song is two minutes long, couldn't you have asked her to hold on the line while you finished singing!
- Extremely long guitar solos, I am talking the ones that make the song go on for ten minutes.
- The singer calls out the name of each instrument. I guess in the 80's they didn't have enough faith in the listener to know that we knew the difference between guitars and drums.
- The words legit or go-go can be found in the chorus.
- The songs mention calling you on the phone and hoping that you are home to get the call. In the dark ages of the 80's there were no cell phones. If you were lucky you had the fancy push button phone instead of the yellow rotary phone!
- You can tell just from listening to the song that the singer was wearing the half shaved head do, crazy eye shadow, 5 million bracelets and short shorts, (this includes the male singers as well).
Monday, August 31, 2009
You Know That a Song You Are Hearing Was Made in the 80's If...
Friday, August 28, 2009
Week Two Winner Is....
Congratulations Lexa Levine! You are the winner in week two of "Have You Seen This Etsy Shop?" and have won the lovely earrings from Angel Heart Beads and Design!
Thank you all so much for entering the contest and if you didn't win this week, don't worry there is another one lined up starting next Tuesday.
Thank you to Tracey at Angel Heart Beads and Design for offering your shop up for this feature. It was a pleasure to learn about your beautiful shop and I wish you continued success!
Another Hilarious Episode
Chelsea Handler has put together a group of the people that are often on the round table portion of her show. The special, Comedians of Chelsea Lately, will have another edition tonight on E! at 9:30pm (central).
In the video above you will see a small portion of Heather McDonald's skit from last week. All of the comedians on Chelsea Handler's show are hilarious, but Heather is my favorite. If you get to watch a repeat of the first night of Comedians of Chelsea Lately, you will love her Drew Barrymore and Celine Dion impressions! They are so spot on that I am sure even Drew and Celine couldn't help but laugh themselves!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Have You Seen This Etsy Shop?
Allow me to share with you just a few of the beautiful things you will find here:

On The Rocks

Angel Heart Beads and Design welcomes custom orders. They can also adjust the sizes of most of their necklaces and bracelets. Feel free to send them a convo if you see something you would like to have the size adjusted on.

"Autumn" are a vintage inspired jade color acrylic focal bead capped with both brass and copper filigree, topped with a amber color swarovski crystal, and dangle from gold tone ear wires. They measure approximately 1" over all.
Monday, August 24, 2009
As Long As I Don't Look Like Ross...
On my continued quest to get my pearly whites perfect, I went to get fitted for my bleaching trays! I can't wait to get them back next Saturday. After years of BriteSmile and Crest Whitestrips I figured in the long run it was cheaper to just get the trays.
My goal, though, is to NOT look like Ross from Friends! What a classic episode that is! No matter how many times I see it I still chuckle!
Friday, August 21, 2009
And the Winner Is...
"Have You Seen This Etsy Shop?" was a great success in its first week! Thank you so much to Lena at Nigatsu Bebe for being the very first store to participate! I wish you continued success in your great Etsy shop Lena!
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ten Things You May Not Know About Me
- I work for a medical device company full time. We make an implant and it is very ironic that I work there since I am terrified of blood, doctors and hospitals and can not even watch the video of our device actually getting implanted.
- Gabriel also works with me. Most people wonder how I can work with my hubby, but I find it nice to have someone with me that I know I can talk to when I really have some juicy gossip or just need to vent.
- I am going to school for interior design. I am one class away from graduating, but unfortunately I have been waiting for that one class to be offered for a year.
- I am an only child. The only sister I had was Tina, our border collie that we had for 16 years.
- I love to travel. I think the only real way to learn about a place is to go there and explore.
- If I could meet anyone in the world, that I have not met yet, it would be Dolly Parton. I think she is super cute, fun and can make fun of herself.
- My other role model is Diane Sawyer. She is so smart and pretty, but can still hold her own against the guys on TV.
- I would be most happy in a loft in a big city with a view of beautiful skyscrapers. Don't get me wrong, I love my house now, but I would be perfectly fine without the yard, the lizards, the frogs, etc. Lord forbid the day I see a snake out there, because that will be the day I end up with a FOR SALE sign in the driveway. Just for the record, I live in the suburbs just outside of Houston. I made it sound like I live in the middle of the country which is not the case.
- I LOVE music. Going to concerts is one of my most favorite things to do with for fun. I have a very eclectic taste in music. I love everything from disco,(how can the word boogie not make you smile), pop, 80's hair bands and everything in between.
- I think life is given to us to have fun with it! I try not to ever put off doing anything if I can do it now. My mom always tells me I am going to kill myself trying to have too much fun.:)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Have You Seen This Etsy Shop?
Nigatsu Bebe is a jewellery and accessories shop. Lena, Nigatsu Bebe's owner, named her shop after her cat Bebe. I must say she is doing her feline friend proud by giving a third of all of the profits from her shop to no-kill shelters.
Here are some of the great finds from Nigatsu Bebe:

Is the Internet Negatively Affecting Our Relationships?
In my opinion, for what it is worth, it is perfectly acceptable for people to be friends with those of the opposite sex. However, there are times when it could be leading you down a slippery slope. Here are some things that you may want to avoid:
1. We have all heard it before, but it doesn't hurt to reiterate-Don't engage in any conversation that you would not engage in in front of your significant other.
2. Don't spend the majority of your time free time online. If you are spending hours upon hours on Facebook you are obviously taking time away from people who are actually living with you.
3. Don't get caught up in the classic- the grass is always greener syndrome. Sure someone may look even cuter on their profile than they did back in high school. Maybe they have aged well or have a great job, but if they were a jerk years ago, chances are that will still resurface given time.
4. Do not, I repeat, do not friend request an ex that you have never completely gotten over. I personally noticed this the other day. Someone I know had a fiance once that they never really got over. It was one of those situations where the parents didn't approve so they just broke it off to make others happy. This person eventually got married to someone else, but never really treated her the way he treated the first fiance. I was rather shocked when I saw her, fiance #1, on his Facebook page reminiscing everyday about old times. It was also a little sad that his wife was nowhere to be found on said page.
Are these behaviors perfectly innocent? Possibly. However with so many people losing their jobs, children to raise, the always present in law issues and countless other problems is it really worth adding another potential source of conflict to the mix? Keeping in touch with family and friends can be a great thing, but making sure you have appropriate lines drawn when you are on the internet will likely save you trouble down the line.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Coldwater Creek-Glambassador Promo
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Avoid Heatstroke and Just Bring the Outdoors In
This is the Sunshine Poppy Garden from Love Art Works. Not only will this vase brighten your day, but the proceeds will help brighten someone else's as well. The proceeds from the sale of Sunshine Poppy Garden are also going to a great cause-The American Cancer Society.
This stone ware copper and turquoise vase from Marielle Macville Ceramics. It is a beautiful example of her artifacts collection and is fully functional as a vase.
What a great way to display all of your outdoor finds! The Buckets....Whats at your windowsill...
from ArzuMusa are made entirely from polymer clay.
The moss terrarium No. 139 from Made by Mavis is made from slow growing moss and other tiny plants. You will not need a green thumb for this mini garden as it requires little care and pretty much takes care of itself.
This post is straight from http://designstyleguide.blogspot.com/ that I write for once a month. There are many great artists and designers there for all of your home design needs. Feel free to check it out if you need any design inspiration.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Happy Anniversary and a Call to Help a Great Cause
Weekend Recap-Visting Dallas
We just got home from Dallas. Here is where I would insert the music from the TV show if I knew how to do that type of thing! Mental note-buy Blogging for Dummies so I can figure out how to add cute music. Anyway, back to the weekend talk.
Friday we walked around downtown. I have been to Dallas several times, but have not spent as much time there as I have in most of the other larger Texas cities, like Austin and San Antonio. While being in a place you don't know quite as well leads to seeing new things, it also drives me crazy to not know directions. Thank God for Tom Tom!
Sunday was not very eventful. We just drove back home trying to stay awake from the night before. Are we getting too old for seven hour concerts? Hmm.. I most certainly hope not! ;)
Monday, August 3, 2009
I Have Never Used the Word "Howdy" and Other Texan Stereotypes Debunked

When traveling outside of my home state I have been asked some of the craziest things about Texas. I suppose since most of the world has seen images from western movies and the sitcom Dallas, Texas has a reputation for being a wild west of sorts. Growing up in Houston, the fourth largest city in the country, I never experienced anything out of a western movie. Below are some other stereotypes that do not fit the average Texan:
- We do not all have oil wells in our backyards. I wish we did as I would be much wealthier!
- We do not have huge Texas hair. In fact, with the humidity here I am not sure how girls could get their hair to stand up that far off of their scalp. Mine usually falls flat after I step a foot out the door.
- Not all Texans have a country accent. In fact, many of the larger cities are such melting pots for many cultures so rarely do you find someone that sounds like the Texas people who are portrayed on television.
- We do not all own cows. In fact, I don't even eat beef.
- On the subject of cows, I also hate the rodeo as I think it is very inhumane. Everything from the calf scramble to the bull riding is so cruel in my opinion.
- Not everyone here wears cowboy boots and hats. I have never in my life owned either.
Texas has many more things to offer than the cowboy lifestyle. From world known cities like Houston and Dallas to the awesome weirdness that is Austin there is something here for everyone.