This scandalous photo of JFK and Marilyn is being featured on
news shows and all over the Internet. Apparently the secret service had strict instructions that the two were not to be photographed together. It is so shocking isn't it! Uhhh.... not really.
If their alleged affair was going on in current times TMZ would have paparazzi waiting outside the Beverly Hills Hotel for pictures of Marilyn coming out of JFK's villa the next day. My how things have changed!
Times sure have changed.
I can imagine the "Tiger Woods"-type circus JFK and Marilyn would have sparked today... but don't want to!
lol You are so right!!!
Intense Guy-LOL yeah me neither! Marilyn may have been a hoochie but she was beautiful and talented. Those little trampy Tiger Woods girls I would rather never see again! And he has such a pretty wife....(I say while shaking my head)!
Jessie-thanks! :)
i bet there will be their sex tape all over Internet.
Aleutie-It is a good thing electronics were not what they are today or there would probably be a TMI situation going on! ;)
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